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Keyboard shortcuts and System commands

What is shortcuts

n computing, a keyboard shortcut is a set of one or more keys that invoke a command in software or an operating system.

They are typically an alternate means for invoking commands that would otherwise be accessible only through a menu, a mouse, or an aspect of the user interface. These shortcuts can expedite common operations by reducing input sequences to a few keystrokes.

These shortcuts can provide an easier and quicker method of using computer programs. These commands are commonly accessed by using the Alt key (on PC computers), command key (on Apple computers), Ctrl, and Shift in conjunction with a single letter.

These shortcuts are for the following programs and applications

File Explorer
Windows System Commands

Window shortcut keys

Windows Key + R: Opens the Run menu.
Windows Key + E: Opens Explorer.
Alt + Tab: Switch between open programs.
Windows Key + Up Arrow: Maximize current window.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.
Windows Key + Break: Opens system properties.
Windows Key + F: Opens search for files and folders.
Windows Key + D: Hide/display the desktop.
Alt + Esc: Switch between programs in order they were opened.
Alt + Letter: Select menu item by underlined letter.
Ctrl + Esc: Open Start menu.
Ctrl + F4: Close active document (does not work with some applications).
Alt + F4: Quit active application or close current window.
Alt + Spacebar: Open menu for active program.
Ctrl + Left or Right Arrow: Move cursor forward or back one word.
Ctrl + Up or Down Arrow: Move cursor forward or back one paragraph.
F1: Open Help menu for active application.
Windows Key + M: Minimize all windows.
Shift + Windows Key + M: Restore windows that were minimized with previous keystroke.
Windows + F1: Open Windows Help and Support.
Windows + Tab: Open Task view.
Windows + Break: Open the System Properties dialog box.
Hold Right SHIFT key for eight seconds: Switch FilterKeys on and off.
Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen: Switch High Contrast on and off.
Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock: Switch Mouse keys on and off.
Press Shift five times: Switch Sticky keys on and off.
Hold Num Lock for five seconds: Switch Toggle keys on and off.

File Explorer Shortcuts

End: Display bottom of current window.
Home: Display top of current window.
Left Arrow: Collapse the current selections or select a parent folder.
Right Arrow: Display the current selection or select the first subfolder.

Windows System Commands

Type the following commands in your Run dialogue box (Windows Key + R) to run specific programs.

devmgmt.msc: Device Manager

msinfo32: System Information

cleanmgr: Disk Cleanup

ntbackup: Backup or restore Wizard (Windows Backup Utility)

mmc: Microsoft Management Console

excel: Microsoft Excel (if installed)

msaccess: Microsoft Access (if installed)

powerpnt: Microsoft PowerPoint (if installed)

winword: Microsoft Word (if installed)

frontpg: Microsoft FrontPage (if installed)

notepad: Notepad

wordpad: WordPad

calc: Calculator

msmsgs: Windows Messenger

mspaint: Microsoft Paint

wmplayer: Windows Media Player

rstrui: System restore

control: Opens the Control Panel

control printers: Opens the printers dialogue box

cmd: Command Prompt

iexplore: Internet Explorer

compmgmt.msc: Computer Management

dhcpmgmt.msc: DHCP Management

dnsmgmt.msc: DNS Management

services.msc: Services

eventvwr: Event Viewer

dsa.msc: Active Directory Users and Computers

dssite.msc: Active Directory Sites and Services

Finder Shortcuts

Shift + Command + F: Open All My Files window.
Shift + Command + K: Open Network window.
Option + Command + L: Open Downloads folder.
Shift + Command + O: Open documents folder.
Shift + Command + U: Open Utilities folder.
Option + Command + D: Show or hide the Dock.
Shift + Command + N: Create a new folder.
Command + Delete: Move selected item to the Trash.
Shift + Command + Delete: Empty Trash.

credit: Infinix club

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